Hooked on Tori & Dean


For the most part, I am not a “Reality Show” watcher. And I specifically put that in quotes, because the cynical part of me thinks there is very little “reality”….that the shows are if not “script driven” then “theme/issue driven” for ratings purposes.  I don’t watch Kate and her brood, nor Denise Richards to “understand her better”, Big Brother, or any of those “Real Housewives” (ya right!)…….although I do admit Trump’s Apprentice (celebrity & regular) are a guilty pleasure…..and I strongly believe that the bloops that occur (i.e. power goes out during a task) are purposefully done to make the episode  better and have the audience say “wow, how are they going to compete if the power is out.”

Well, Hubby is away this week, which means I have control of the remote control. And I have found virtually nothing that interests me. I really couldn’t care less about the Basketball Championship (I do wish the Celts luck, but I don’t think they’ll be able to pull it off vs. a talented LA team), seems like all the cable movies are played OVER and OVER again (really, how many times can I watch “Sweet Home Alabama”?), and I haven’t bought an on-demand movie cuz I’m afraid of falling asleep during the movie………so a-channel-surf I will go.

The other night (Sunday? Monday?) I stumbled across a Tori & Dean marathon. And I watched an episode. Actually, I think the first episode I flipped back and forth between Food Network or Country Music Videos, the Celts game (?). But then I watched the next episode in it’s entirity. And maybe a 3rd.  I DVR’d the last episode, which happened to be the season finale.

I have to admit, I really enjoyed watching Donna Martin’s real life. To the point where I think I’m Hooked!

I also want to put aside my cynicism, and really, really believe that Tori Spelling and her hubby Dean McDermott, despite the gorgeous mini-mansion and unlimited bank account, do live a homey, down-to-earth lifestyle. First of all, she seems like an amazing, devoted, hands-on Mom. I truly want to believe that she came up with the idea (even if it was from a magazine, like most moms) of filling little flower pots with hummus and sticking baby carrots in it (to look like they were growing from the pot) and that she made a whole batch of marshmellow birds nests. And that Dean actually built the fire-truck bed, by himself, for his son.  And I think I do believe that, because you don’t see any staff or hired help.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t turmoil in their home. Yes, of course there was an “issue” of their marriage being off-kilter, which they had to work through. And they did, with of course, a finale of renewing their wedding vows.

I know they are actors, and they are probably doing some acting. And that some of their problems might not be what “normal” people experience, but I have to say, that Tori and Dean seemed very “normal”, which is what drew me in.

I’m actually looking forward to watching next season. (sorry Hubby!)